
Happy New Year.
A lot happened at school before Christmas, perhaps not to all students, but a little bit of this and that added up and we reap happy results. The results I am referring to may not be winning any championship, but the fruit of long time training and student ability to pack up and get ready for the next stage.
Students slowly went home after a Friday hall assembly.  When I walked by the school hall after the dismissal, a few students were stacking up assembly chairs, preparing for the badminton training setting, they were almost completed by the time I saw them. Some teachers or coaches must have told them to prepare in advance, and they were dutifully doing the task.  I asked one boy which teacher asked him to do so, he said he saw his school mates stacking, so he came in to help. So he did it voluntarily, because he wanted to help. I watched until they finished their task, praised and thanked them, and I left. They said goodbye politely as well.  On a different Friday, Form 1 and 2 students helped to pack away the chairs and benches they were using after our first open-air orchestra performance, and the student musicians stacked away neatly the chairs and stands they were using as well; they were all efficient and helpful.
I realized that I was glad not only because of a good show, but the concerted effort that students all put together; the success came along as a by-product.   We won handball, volleyball, OM, and many other games territory-wide, before COVID attack, because of the concerted effort.  We had athletic meets, school gala, Landscape publication, and so on and so on, none was easy to produce, but the fruit is always sweet because we were in it together--we put our minds and strengths together.  I am not forgetting DSE, the one ultimate task that each senior Form student participates in, and all work together as a Form, a good demonstration of their cooperation with each other, with the teachers, and with the school. Well done.
Students also interact with the community, I received many a report from parents new to the school, that they witnessed our students’ politeness when they got off the mini-bus, that they thanked the driver for his service.  
Many thanks to students for growing up as decent and responsible individuals; I also thank teachers who spent time with students at different turns, they teach them things and knowledge that I do not know, that I do not know how.  My resolution this year is: to learn from my students and my teachers.
Anson Yang