1 August 2016

Every year, I said that our school sees the best public exam results with smarter and more polite students. I said this every year because if a school keeps improving, this statement will always be true. This year is no exception.  Many thanks to teachers’ effort and parents’ support, guiding students to do well every year. We know that our duty is to improve our society; its first step would be to improve ourselves one step at a time.
I remember asking all students to finish your summer homework, and to prepare the first two chapters of each subject by mid-August. I hope you have covered at least half of those already. How about doing household chores and perfecting one sporting activity? Have you been doing these diligently one step at a time?  By the end of the summer, I hope you will be able to tell that you are academically sounder, and can run faster, and have grown stronger.
New students will be our headache briefly, for they need time to adjust to the secondary school momentum, and to free themselves from the customer mentality. When meeting these parents last April, I told them that our school allows teenagers to make mistakes and learn from the mistakes so as to perfect themselves. When we use the word “mistakes”, it means that we have a clear understanding on what is right. My July message clearly supports my belief of justice and integrity.
Besides diligence and integrity mentioned above, our students will also practise perseverance and simplicity. I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the holiday, and come back to school well prepared.
Anson Yang