
A few of our teachers were poorly last month and were absent from school for a few days, rendering missing classes and campus teachers substituted like crazy.  I was happy at their offering of home online lessons with campus students, and their speedy recovery.  I was equally grateful to my campus teachers who stepped up to substitutions. A few teachers volunteered to teach the classes their own subjects, so that there was still ample input. Some classes could not have the perfect match, but the students were left with class work; they completed their work quietly and dutifully. What more can one ask for with such a caring staff and responsible students.  Well done.
September remained hot most of the time, despite its mid-Autumn season. After students complete campus lessons at 1:15pm, they rush home for another 80-minute online lesson. I am always doubtful with online extra-curricular activities. All I hope is for this virus to go away soon and we return to campus life. But in the meantime, shot-ready students will have some form of ECA during different weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
I do miss the laughter, the noise, the claps from the courts holding ECA which travel throughout campus, not to mention occasional daytime complaints from the neighboring estate on our noise. Say whatever you want, these daytime complaints are the price to be neighbors with schools. But you know what I mean. I just hope the school and the community will become alive again. We do need to see progress, the school and the society to move forward, to go somewhere, bit by bit.
Anson Yang