
I welcome you all back to school, and wish you all have a healthy and fruitful year ahead.  In particular, I would like to welcome the Form 1 students to this new environment.  There will be a lot of challenges for you, but I am sure you will learn to overcome all of them, and grow with the school.  Do not be afraid of failures, for there will be many, but you need to learn from each failure, and to rise from it; refine yourselves and never make the same mistake again.
King Ling is approaching its 30th school anniversary; this year will be the last stage of the preparation.  We will do our best in upgrading infrastructure, administration, student leadership, alongside the ever-improving public examination results. Let me say this once and for all: knowledge is important, but so is leadership, that is your ability to be with people, lead and be led among peers.  Also, chivalry is an essential quality, that everyone should be noble, polite, and daring. I hope all will do well in these areas, following our school motto: diligence, perseverance, integrity, simplicity.
In the past two years, our education was hindered by the undying virus; the virus  continues to hover, forcing us to adapt.  While there is adversity, we learn fast, survive, and rise to the occasion. There will always be adversities, we will fail, but we should minimize such chances, learn from them, and become a better person. One case in point is the homework submission, if you forgot to bring in homework once or twice, your teachers completely understood that.  But if it continued to more than 10 times a year, chances are, you simply did not want to correct your mistake.  Likewise, if you know that you will be late on a certain scheduled bus in the morning, but you refuse to take an earlier one, then you plan to be late again, and again. The continual tardiness is not a mistake anymore, but a planned scheme.
Let’s face challenges, old and new, together.  Help your schoolmates improve; help your family members; let’s stand and grow together.  Have a good year.
Anson Yang