Information and Communication Technology

A. The Junior Form ICT Curriculum (S1 – S3)


  1. Information Literacy
  2. Self Directed Learning via E Platform
  3. Micro:bit I: Basic Operation &Computer System
  4. Micro:bit II: Programming Concepts (with Korean cultures)
  5. AI Learning (EDB)



  1. Word Processing
  2. Multimedia Knowledge
  3. Multimedia Production for Mini-apps production
  4. STEM on 3D Printing (with Chinese cultures)
  5. AI Learning (EDB)



  1. Spreadsheet with AI
  2. STEAM Application ~ 3D modelling (with Japanese cultures)
  3. Calculator Programming
  4. Python Programming
  5. AI Learning(EDB)

B. The Senior Form ICT Curriculum (S4 – S6)

The Compulsory Parts

  1. Information Processing
  2. Computer System Fundamentals
  3. Internet and its Applications
  4. Computational Thinking and Programming
  5. Social Implications


The Elective Part  (Any two) 

Elective A. Database

Elective B. Web Application Development

Elective C. Algorithm and programming