
Routine duties
  1. Morning/after school duty
  2. Weekly meeting
  3. Weekly uniform check
  4. Detention class
  5. Statistics – late, cleanliness, uniform, minor offence
  6. Certificate of merits
  7. Warning letter –late, uniform
  8. Student improvement scheme
Administrative duties
  1. Duty roster
  2. Routings to podium and hall
  3. Evaluation – merit, conduct
  4. Fire drill
  1. Inauguration 
  2. Prefect training 
  3. Post exam activity
  4. Weekly meeting
School Regulations
Upcoming Activities
  1. Addressing S1 on school rules, S5 on grand tour and S6 on university orientation
  2. Amendment of school rules
  3. Administrating the use of rooftop with solar panel installation