
To nurture students:

  1. To become better informed, interested in and concerned for Hong Kong and the wider world;
  2. To achieve greater self-reliance in learning through the development of self-study skills, independent use of resources and self-discipline in the organization of study time and other priorities, which would ultimately lead students to the point where they can learn to satisfy their intellectual curiosity;
  3. To develop the ability to analyze complex wholes into their component parts and to evaluate the adequacy of evidence to support conclusions and the validity of arguments in terms of their objectivity and freedom from bias or prejudice;
  4. To think more independently so that they are willing to seek alternatives, to assess and evaluate opinions put forward by others and to be open-minded enough to accept the views of others; or, where there are good grounds for doing so, to maintain their own views;
  5. To be more creative in the sense that they learn to identify problems and their solutions through the application of their skills, their intellectual resources, and what they have experienced, in ways that are new to them.